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Covid-19 Planning & Research

Please see attached link for detail about our sharing of Confidential Patient information to help in the fight against this Virus. Information sharing for Covid-19 fight

CQC - Inspection

We are pleased to share that the last inspection (Feb 2016) has rated this practice as "Good" across all indicators.


You can comment by either leaving a note in our suggestion box or using

All comments whether via this or the web address mentioned earlier are much appreciated. If we do not know what is not working so well for you we cannot fix it.

Cancelling your Appointment

If you are unable to attend an appointment please cancel it

We lose the equivalent of a full working weeks appointments for a nurse each month! These non cancelled appointments stop others who want to be seen from getting an appointment.

To cancel you can:

  • Use your online account with us
  • Use your MyGP app
  • Call and speak to a receptionist
  • Respond "Cancel" to the text appointment reminder service.
  • Telephone us 24/7 and follow process to check, make or cancel appointment

What ever route you decide to use - please cancel the appointment you no longer need

Phone Consultations

If you want to talk to a doctor or nurse it is best to telephone in the morning, leave a message with the receptionists, so that doctor /nurse can call you back, usually between 12:00 and 14:30. If the matter is urgent please say so, we will try and help.

Where to find help

When we are closed, please telephone 111 and should only need A&E in the event of a seious accident or other health emergency. Information about all local services can be found via "Minor Illness" page

Accountable Doctor 

Whilst all patients are registered with the practice - from April 2015 all patients will have one doctor tasked with overseeing their care. If you are aged over 75yrs or upon achieving that age, you will get a letter from us informing you who the named doctor is, if you are younger than 75yrs then you are welcome to ask when next visiting us who your "usual doctor" is - any member of the practice team should be able to answer that questions for you. On a practical basis, despite your having a named/usual/accountable doctor you retain the ability to see which ever doctor you wish, whenever they have an appointment that suits.


Health News from the BBC and the NHS

BBC Health
NHS Choices Behind the Headlines
Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not a 999 emergencyNHS ChoicesThis site is brought to you by My Surgery Website