Antenatal care
If you are pregnant and want to continue with the pregnancy please call MaternityDirect on 01268 394660, they will then arrange your appointments with the midwife to manage this part of your care..
Family planning / Emergency contraception
Our nurses Jackie and Julie as well as the doctors are happy to discuss all methods of family planning and give preconception advice. All services are offered within normal surgeries.
Cervical smears
All women will be called for regular smears. Please tell reception you are booking this test. Most are performed by our nurses.
Minor surgery
Please ask a doctor if you want a wart or mole or other minor operation carried out in this building - these have been suspended during the current pandemic.
Health Checks
Aged over 16yrs, not been seen for 3 years, have concerns? Come and see us - these have been suspended during the current pandemic.
Look after yourself
Healthy eating, drinking and taking of exercise are important and can prevent illness. Our nurses and health care assistants are available to give advice and support on these.
Childhood Immunisations
You will be actively encouraged to have your child immunised, will be sent an appointment – which you can change – when your child is due for an injection. Please let us know if you want to catch up on missed injections.
Blood tests / Phlebotomy
This is now offered at Hassengate for any patient within our Primary Care Network - that includes Orsett; Horndon-on-the-Hill; Neera medical centre; Southend Road Surgery; The Sorrells and of course Hassengate